The serial number of a bicycle is a unique identifier number that is specific to each sample of that model. The most common use of the serial number is as a way to link each specific bicycle with its owner. This system is similar to a VIN number on a motor vehicle. The following article goes over some more details about serial numbers and how to locate them on our bicycles.
Serial Number Information
- Most bicycle companies do not keep a database of serial numbers/ owners. This kind of data entry would be labor intensive, as bicycles do change hands from time to time. In addition, these transfers are often not reported. It is the rider's responsibility to record their bicycle's serial number.
- In the event a bicycle is stolen and then recovered, law enforcement agencies will use the serial number to locate the owner of the bicycle. For this reason, we recommend registering the serial number at the following website
- Ride1UP serial numbers can be either stamped into the metal frame of the bicycle or located on a barcode sticker. On modern bicycles, the barcode sticker is more common and allows for serialization of carbon fiber bicycles. It is important to note that the stickers are located under the final clear coat of paint applied to the bicycle. This makes them harder to remove.
- Several components on the bicycle have numbers from production, others will have numbers that indicate their size on them. The serial number of the bicycle will always be located on the metal frame. Numbers listed on the: tires, brakes, seatpost, stem, fork, handlebars, seat, and display; are for other reasons and are NOT the bicycle's serial number.
- While serial numbers can help locate stolen bicycles; it is foolish to rely on this as the sole means of protecting the bicycle. All serial numbers can be removed with basic metal working tools in a matter of minutes. An inexpensive hand file will make short work of even the deepest engravings. We highly suggest customers invest in locks, insurance, and other more proactive ways to protect their investment.
Serial Number Location
The photo below shows the different locations on the bicycle. The serial numbers will all be located on the frame of the bicycle, and not any individual part.
- Serial number is stamped on the front of the headtube (Location 1)Roadster v2 - 500 Series - Cafe Cruiser -700 Series - Prodigy - Revv 1- CF Racer
- Serial number sticker is on the downtube for current generations (Location 2)
- Earlier Generations will have it on the headtube (Location 1)Core-5 - Turris - LMT'D - Portola
-Serial number is stamped on the bottom bracket (Location 3). The cables may have to be gently pushed aside to reveal the entire number. The Portola's serial number sticker will be located near the frame latch.
Serial Number Location Diagram